Augustus infeliciter conubium santet syrtes, ut oratori divinus fermentet ossifragi. Parsimonia oratori miscere Pompeii. Quadrupei celeriter praemuniet ossifragi. Syrtes agnascor ossifragi.
Augustus infeliciter conubium santet syrtes, ut oratori divinus fermentet ossifragi. Parsimonia oratori miscere Pompeii. Quadrupei celeriter praemuniet ossifragi. Syrtes agnascor ossifragi.
Gestalt Psychotherapy
Training Institute Malta

EAPTI-GPTIM Online Library
Welcome to the EAPTI-GPTIM Online Library, a service dedicated to ensure that students have access to the resources required for learning during their studies.
Here you will find a pool of reading resources, including an e-library of papers and books, access to journals, related links, and other scholarly material produced by EAPTI-GPTIM that are relevant to the study programmes offered by our institution.
The EAGT Research Committee
The Gestalt Psychotherapy Research Database
International Journal of Psychotherapy
British Gestalt Journal
The Gestalt Review
Health Psychology Open: Sage Journals
Psychotherapy & Counseling - Wiley Online Library
Perlego - An online subscription for all your academic books
Psychiatry Journal - Hindawi
Advances in Public Health - Hindawi
Education Research International - Hindawi
IntechOpen - Open Science Open Minds
ResearchGate – Find and share research
The Paradoxical Theory of Change (Arnold Beisser, M.D.)
Psychopathology and Atmospheres – Neither Inside nor Outside (2019)
From the idea to the research paper in psychotherapy (Prof. Dr. Emilija Stoimenova Canevska)
Ethical Considerations in Supervision (Dr. Rose Falzon)
Qualitative Research: Thematic Analysis (TA) and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) (Dr. Rose Falzon)
Change in the phenomenological experience of clients with anxiety disorders and panic attacks after Gestalt psychotherapy (Mira Stojanović)
A shame in the Gestalt psychotherapy training – the trainee perspective (Snezana D. Opacic)
Exploring Presence at the Heart of the Gestalt and Salesian Encounter and How the Two Paths Converge and Diverge (Paul Formosa)
Supervision apprised through the Gestalt Paradigm informing Mentoring in diverse Humanistic Professions: A Narrative Inquiry (Dr Rose Falzon)
The Gestalt Perspective On Psychotherapists’ Experience Of Complex Trauma And Posttraumatic Growth – A Narrative Approach (Romina Baldwin)
Competent gestalt psychotherapist in practice – how to establish and develop psychotherapy competencies? (Sanja V. Bratina)
Qualitative research on phenomenology of changes in romantic relationships after the experience of shame (Dragana Lj. Ilić)
Identifying elements within the context of residential care in Malta that contribute to the well-being and resilience of looked after children and young people – field perspective (Audrey Agius)
The Pain Within (Rosalba Axiak)
Panic Attacks: The Silent Cries of the Soul – The Emotional Component in the Experience of Panic Attacks (Elena Borg)
The Rhythm of Grief: A Maltese Gestalt Therapists' Perspective (Therese Bugeja)
The Retroflected Self: Bending Backward at the Contact Boundary. A Gestalt Therapy Perspective of Psychosomatics (Melis Bilibani)
Psychological Support System and Tendencies to Psychosomatics Among Generation Z in North Macedonia (Ena Canevska, Emilija Stoimenova-Canevska, Nada Pop-Jordanova)
Psychosomatic Tendencies, Coping Styles and Locus of Control Among Young Adults (Melis Bilibani, Emilija Stoimenova Canevska, Nada Pop-Jordanova)
Introduction in Integrative Approaches in Working with Children & Adolescents (Dr Audrey Agius)
Peer Experience Groups with Supervision (Katya Warrington)
Fields and Strategies of Application (Katya Warrington)
Physics of Life Reviews: Nature heals: An informational entropy account of
self-organization and change in field psychotherapy (Pietro Sarasso, Wolfgang Tschacher, Felix Schoeller, Gianni Francesetti, Jan Roubal, Michela Gecele, Katiuscia Sacco, Irene Ronga)
Relational Supervision (Dr Rose Falzon)