Augustus infeliciter conubium santet syrtes, ut oratori divinus fermentet ossifragi. Parsimonia oratori miscere Pompeii. Quadrupei celeriter praemuniet ossifragi. Syrtes agnascor ossifragi.
Augustus infeliciter conubium santet syrtes, ut oratori divinus fermentet ossifragi. Parsimonia oratori miscere Pompeii. Quadrupei celeriter praemuniet ossifragi. Syrtes agnascor ossifragi.
Gestalt Psychotherapy
Training Institute Malta

Codes of Ethics &
Professional Practice
Gestalt Therapists are responsible for the observation of the principles inherent in the Code of Ethics and the Professional Practice. These codes are beneficial not only for the protection of clients but are also meant to protect the therapist by establishing standards of conduct that clarify the boundaries of practice and accountability in the work setting.
The general aim of psychotherapy is to promote the psychophysical and socio-environmental well-being of the individuals, groups and community at large within the psychotherapeutic relationship (preferred setting). Gestalt therapy recognizes these goals in general, and in particular the subjectivity of the well-being of the individual as a phenomenological entity within their field. Since the realization of this specific goal is implemented through a dialogical approach grounded in the recognition of the autonomy and self-regulation of the individual, these codes of practice offer a meeting place for the resolution of difficulties between two or more parties.
The resolution of difficulties for Gestalt Therapists is attained through dialogue and exchange as opposed to a hierarchical system of judgment and consequences.
European Association for Gestalt Therapy, 2018
All Gestalt Psychotherapists, trainees, clients and stake-holders may refer to the ethical codes and principles established by the European Association for Gestalt Psychotherapy (EAGT) and/or by the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP). You may access these documents from the following links:
EAGT Code of Ethics:
EAP Ethical Principles:
In addition, EAPTI-GPTIM has established its own Codes of Ethics and Professional Practice for: Trainers and Trainees; for Supervisors; and for Research. The purpose is to support students, teachers and supervisors throughout their EAPTI-GPTIM journey within the relational roles, boundaries, responsibilities and commitments throughout the programme being taught or followed.
The EAPTI-GPTIM’s codes are grounded in the ethical codes established by the EAGT and the EAP. Such are aimed to create a safe-space for an enriching, meaningful, learning experience to unfold. GPTIM’s Codes of Ethics and Professional Practice should be read in conjunction with the EAPTI-GPTIM Complaints and Appeals Procedure.
EAPTI-GPTIM is solely responsible for guiding the processes of students, teachers and supervisors throughout their journey within the higher education institution. As from the implementation of the Psychotherapy Act (Malta, 2018) the Psychotherapy Professions Board established by this Act (which you may find further information about at: https://family.gov.mt/ppb/Pages/default.aspx) is responsible for regulating and processing complaints and grievances related to the practice of psychotherapy.
In this section of the website, you will find the following:
The EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice for Trainers and Trainees
The EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice for Supervisors
The EAPTI-GPTIM Research Ethics Standards and the Application Form for Research Ethics Approval
The EAPTI-GPTIM Ethics Committee, members and contact information
EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics for Trainers and Trainees
European Accredited Psychotherapy Training Institute – Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute Malta, hereafter referred to as EAPTI-GPTIM.
This Code should be read in conjunction with the following:
* EAP & EAGT Codes of Ethics
* Complaints and Appeals Procedure
1. Jurisdiction
Trainer refers to all Teaching Members, Associate Teaching Members and Tutors engaged by EAPTI-GPTIM and to Graduate and/or Psychotherapists who are undertaking to train as a trainer on one or more EAPTI-GPTIM Courses.
Trainee refers to trainee members of EAPTI-GPTIM who are enrolled on one or more of the EAPTI-GPTIM Courses and have signed an agreement to abide by the EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics.
2. Intention
EAPTI-GPTIM is committed to conducting its training in ways that address the needs and best interests of its trainees. Trainees are in turn required to act in the best interests of their clients.
Section 1
3. Personal and Financial Responsibility
All prospective trainees must be given clear information about the financial commitment required by them with regard to their course of training.
EAPTI-GPTIM will exercise responsibility and demonstrate a reasonable respect for existing arrangements when introducing changes to its requirements.
All responsibilities of cost and fees will be explicit at the outset of training.
4. Teaching
4.1 The detailed syllabus, learning outcomes and assessment criteria will be clearly set out and given to all trainees at the commencement of the Course.
All trainers shall be governed by the EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics.
Trainers shall respect the diversity of trainees and not discriminate on any grounds of difference such as gender, culture, age, disability, social background, political or religious beliefs.
Trainers shall not exploit trainees sexually or financially.
Dismissive or arrogant remarks or any derogation by innuendo by a trainer about another trainer or trainee is considered unprofessional.
A trainer should not collude through silence or evasion, with the abusive behaviour of a fellow trainer.
5. Clinical Practice
EAPTI-GPTIM shall consider the interests of clients and trainees in establishing clinical requirements of the training course/s, which will be clearly set out in the relevant Trainee Handbook.
EAPTI-GPTIM shall advise trainees to make client’s interest paramount and maintain appropriate confidentiality.
Trainees work with clients presented for training purposes shall be clinically supervised.
6. Supervision
All Supervisors approved by EAPTI-GPTIM will normally have completed a training course in supervision or be recognised as competent by virtue of reputation and standing in the professional community of Psychotherapists.
All Supervisors approved by EAPTI-GPTIM shall adhere to a Code of Ethics compatible with the EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics.
A trainer who is a Course Leader is responsible for ensuring that the annual report of the trainee’s Supervisor has been received.
It is the responsibility of the Trainers Meeting to reflect on the suitability of a trainee to continue in training on the basis of whether or not the trainee has fulfilled the following course requirements:
* Satisfactory completion of course work within the required period of time;
* Completion of requirement for personal therapy;
* Completion of requirement for clinical supervision;
* Attendance at training workshops;
* Payment of training fees; and,
* Any and all other requirements as set out in the Training Handbook.
The Trainers Meeting will report to the EAPTI-GPTIM Directors about any trainee that is deemed not to have fulfilled the requirements of their training course and whose training should be terminated or suspended.
7. Assessment
EAPTI-GPTIM shall publish the criteria and process of assessment for all its Courses, including its examination procedures.
EAPTI-GPTIM shall endeavour to keep the examination processes as clear as possible. Specifically, all assessors/examiners shall complete a written evaluation of the trainee’s work, which shall be made available to the trainee.
Students may have their training suspended or terminated if they are in breach of the assessment requirements for training detailed in the relevant Course Handbook.
8. Boundaries
Trainers are responsible for establishing and maintaining the boundaries between a professional relationship with a trainee and other relationships that pre-date the trainee’s commencement of training.
Trainers who are centrally involved in one of the Institute’s training course should not assume the additional role of therapist to any trainee enrolled on that course.
Trainers should not be dependent on their relationships with trainees for their emotional well-being.
Any new relationship arising as a result of a workshop facilitated by a visiting external trainer must respect those relationships that are already in place and should clearly be judged by the Course Leader to be helpful to the trainees’ professional development.
Trainers should explain to new trainees that personal therapy and work on personal issues unrelated to the training group are not the primary purpose of training.
9. Confidentiality
All trainers at EAPTI-GPTIM shall ensure confidentiality of trainees’ personal material by keeping records in a locked metal filing cabinet.
Trainers and trainees shall negotiate a clear contract of and about their mutual responsibilities with regard to confidentiality, at the beginning of every training year. Such a contract shall be compatible with the EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics.
Trainers shall make explicit the circumstances when confidentiality of trainee personal material/disclosures may be broken.
10. Competence
Trainers should work within the limits of their knowledge, skills and health.
Trainers should monitor their work via appropriate levels of supervision and consultation.
Trainers should develop their cultural education and their capacity for self-awareness, especially with regard to prejudices, so that they will be able to value difference and diversity and promote anti-oppressive practice.
11. Complaints and appeals
EAPTI-GPTIM has a written Complaints and Appeals Procedure, applicable to trainers, trainees, that is subject to periodical review by the Ethics Committee.
A trainee may appeal against a course work evaluation of a trainer on grounds that the procedures for evaluation contained in the relevant course handbook were not properly followed.
A trainee cannot appeal the coursework evaluation of the trainer for the purposes of challenging the assessment of the trainer. EAPTI-GPTIM course work evaluation is subject to periodic review by external evaluation.
Section 2
13. Specific Responsibilities of Trainees
Trainees shall be committed to their own personal and professional development and shall monitor tendencies to justify, defend and explain.
Trainees should develop their cultural education and self-awareness with regard to prejudices and seek to work in an anti-oppressive manner. They should acknowledge their own internalised oppression and pay particular attention to how this may affect their clinical practice.
Sexual relationships between members of a training group may adversely affect the training group.
Trainees are required to monitor their relationships with one another with due regard to the enhanced emotional vulnerability that is likely to occur during training workshops. Sexual relationships between trainees may result in one or more of them dropping back a year or suspending their training until the other trainee/s complete/s their training. The Course Leader and Board of Directors shall exercise sole discretion in applying the above. -
Trainees’ work with clients presented for training purposes shall be clinically supervised Issues related to placements, including trainees’ responsibilities will be outlined, discussed and clarified through the Trainee Placement Agreement form.
The title of ‘Gestalt psychotherapy trainee’ shall not be used for advertising purposes or to receive payment for services. Unless employed or contracted (1), payment for placement hours, through the role of ‘EAPTI-GPTIM Gestalt Psychotherapy Trainees’, is not permitted, except when such payment is required to cover the basic use-of-clinic fees. No advertising of this role is permitted in any form by the trainee or by the service that s/he forms part of.
Trainees are responsible for familiarising themselves with the contents of the Course Handbook and for ensuring they comply with the regulations and requirements governing:
* attendance;
* payment of course fees;
* personal therapy;
* supervision;
* course work, and,
* any and all other regulations and requirements contained therein. -
A trainee who fails to comply with the regulations and requirements contained in the relevant Course Handbook may have their training suspended or terminate.
Admission of a trainee into membership of an EAPTI-GPTIM training course is taken to mean that the trainee agrees and accepts the regulations and requirements contained in the EAPTI-GPTIM Course Handbook.
(1) Including government, agencies, church, NGOs or private services that assume full clinical and legal responsibility for the practice according to the Psychotherapy Act and other laws.
EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics for Supervisors
European Accredited Psychotherapy Training Institute – Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute Malta (Higher Education Institution (NCFHE))
(Licence Number: 2014-FHI-020), hereinafter referred to as EAPTI-GPTIM
The purpose of the Code of Ethics for Supervisors is to ensure high standards of ethical practice for supervisors and to inform and protect both supervisees and their clients. Whilst this code cannot resolve all ethical and practice related issues, it intends to provide a framework for addressing these issues and to support and encourage optimum levels of good practice.
1. Issues of Responsibility
The primary concern of supervision is to ensure the supervisee is addressing the needs of the client for the protection of both supervisee and the client.
Supervisors working with supervisees who are members of EAPTI-GPTIM and its specific associate organisations specified below and who work with children and young people must be thoroughly cognisant of the EAPTI-GPTIM competencies for working with children and young people. They must ensure these are rigorously applied in the context of supervision.
Supervisors are required to conduct themselves in a manner that does not undermine the confidence of the general public in themselves, EAPTI-GPTIM and other related professional organisations with which the EAPTI-GPTIM is associated.
Supervisors must recognise the value, worth and dignity of supervisees regardless of race, gender, religious or political beliefs, sexual orientation, age or disability.
Supervisors must be cognizant of their own internal oppression such that anti-discriminatory practice should underpin the fundamental values of their practice.
Supervisors are responsible for taking action if they are aware that their supervisees practice is not in accordance with the EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics.
Supervisors must ensure that their work is covered by professional indemnity insurance.
2. Supervision Contract
Supervisors must discuss their policy regarding giving references and any fees that may be charged for this or any other work done outside supervision times.
The terms and conditions on which supervision is offered must be made clear to the supervisee at the commencement of supervision and any subsequent revisions must be negotiated in advance of any change.
3. Boundaries
Supervisors will not exploit supervisees financially, emotionally, sexually or in any other way.
A supervisor is responsible for maintaining appropriate boundaries with supervisees. A supervisor should not also be the supervisees therapist.
Supervisors must ensure that together with the supervisee they consider their respective legal liabilities to each other, to any employing organisation or training organisation and to clients.
Supervisors working with trainees must clarify the boundaries of their responsibility and their accountability to their supervisee and to the training organisation and any agency/placement involved.
4. Confidentiality
Supervisors will maintain confidentiality with regard to information supplied to them about themselves and their clients.
Supervisors must ensure that all information regarding supervision is stored in a locked metal filing cabinet.
Supervisors will indicate clearly at the commencement of the supervision contract those situations where confidentiality may be breached, i.e., issues of client safety, ethical or legal concerns.
When a supervisor believes it is necessary to breach confidentiality, they will discuss this in advance with a supervisee, whenever possible.
Supervisors who wish to undertake research involving EAPTI-GPTIM supervisees, clients referred by EAPTI-GPTIM or EAPTI-GPTIM colleagues should read carefully and adhere to the EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics for Research.
5. Issues of Competence
Supervisors will commit themselves to continued professional development and regularly monitor and evaluate the limits of their competence.
Supervisors are responsible for maintaining their own professional effectiveness and ability to work. They should monitor their own personal fitness for practice and be able to seek help where appropriate.
A supervisor should withdraw from their role as supervisor, for an appropriate period of time, when their personal resources are inadequate to the task.
6. Management of Practice
Supervisors together with supervisees are responsible for ensuring that the best use is made of supervision time, in order to address the needs of clients.
All reasonable steps must be taken to ensure the safety of supervisees and their clients during their work together.
Where disagreements cannot be resolved by discussions between supervisor and supervisee, the supervisor should consult with a fellow professional and, if appropriate, recommend that the supervisee be referred to another supervisor.
Supervisors must discuss with supervisees the need to have arrangements in place to take care of the immediate needs of clients in the event of a sudden and unplanned ending to the therapeutic relationship. It is good practice for the supervisor to be informed about these arrangements.
7. Complaints and appeals
EAPTI-GPTIM has a written Complaints and Appeals Procedure, applicable to supervisors and supervisees, that is subject to periodical review by the Ethics Committee.
EAPTI-GPTIM Research Ethics Standards and Guidelines
1. Introduction
EAPTI-GPTIM strives to maintain and promote high ethical standards of research involving living human participants (involved in research directly or indirectly in any way). More specifically our goal is to protect the dignity, rights and welfare of all human participants involved in any research conducted by EAPTI-GPTIM staff or students. In this context ethical approval is needed for all research undertaken by EAPTI-GPTIM staff and students wherever research and related activities involve human participants or raises ethical issues.
2. Accepted Ethical Standards
2.1 Informed consent. All participants must be fully informed of the study and what is being asked of them, in order to make a fully informed decision as to whether or not to participate in the research. Informing the participant considers: 1) Description of the study and its aims; 2) Explanation that participation is voluntary; 3) Possibility to withdraw at any time without any penalty; 4) Procedures regarding confidentiality need to be explained; 5) Data collection procedures need to be explained in detail (types of data collection, collection at multiple times etc.); 6) Use of data which includes research, publication, sharing and archiving has to be explained; 7) Other persons that will see data during research have to be mentioned. Informed consent is required of all participants in a research study. They need to agree with all previously stated terms.
2.2 Confidentiality. All participants have the right for their participation to remain confidential in that only the researcher will be aware of who has participated. Generally, all data will also be anonymous in the final report so that nothing can be attributed back to an individual participant. If the participants wish to be identified or cannot realistically have their identities kept confidential, written informed consent must be obtained from the individual participant in advance.
3. Application for a research ethics approval
3.1 EAPTI-GPTIM students have to get ethics approval from the Ethics Committee following feedback and assent by their tutor/s, when research involves human participants. In the case of EAPTI-GPTIM staff who are undertaking such research, approval from the Ethics Committee is required.
3.2 In order to apply for ethical approval of the research, applicants should complete the EAPTI-GPTIM Application Form for Research Ethics Approval found in the link below.
3.3 All applicants have to attach their research proposals. Students' research proposals have to be approved and signed by their mentors/tutors.
4. Applicants right to appeal
4.1 Student will be informed about the Ethics Committee’s decision in writing within 14 days of the decision taken.
4.2 Should a request be declined by the Ethics Committee the student has the right to appeal to the Complaints and Appeals Board.
4.3 This appeal must be submitted within 7 days after receipt of the decision made by the Research Ethics Committee.
EAPTI-GPTIM Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee shall be selected by the Board of the Institute. It shall be composed of at least three more persons that are qualified and practicing psychotherapists for at least 10 years. At least one shall be a member of the Board of the Institute, and at least one shall not lecture within the Institute.
The Ethics Committee shall:
Implement the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice and related procedures;
Make the necessary recommendations and decisions as indicated therein;
Refer cases to the Complaints and Appeals Board as indicated therein and, in the Complaints and Appeals Procedure.
Terms of Appointment and Procedure of Ethics Committee:
The members of Ethics Committee shall be appointed for three years, and may be re-appointed.
The Committee shall meet ad hoc and at least once a year, and as often as required given the cases and issues that it needs to address.
Members of the EAPTI-GPTIM Ethics Committee
Joyce Sciberras, M.A. Gestalt Psychotherapist
Fr Paul Formosa, M.Psych (Gest)
Lidija Pecotić, Ph.D., Gestalt Psychotherapist
E-mail: eapti.gptim@gmail.com
Here you will find the procedures for complaints, formal grievances and appeals, together with further information about the Complaints and Appeals Board. This section must be read in conjunction with the EAPTI-GPTIM Code of Ethics and Professional Practice, and with the information about the EAPTI-GPTIM Ethics Committee.
EAPTI-GPTIM Complaints, Grievances and Appeals Procedure
1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a means by which a member of EAPTI-GPTIM or a third party can bring a complaint against a member or student of EAPTI-GPTIM for matters that fall within the remit and responsibility of EAPTI-GPTIM. A complaint may be brought to EAPTI-GPTIM by any of the following:
Tutors, supervisors or Associates who are also members of EAPTI-GPTIM;
Trainee Members of EAPTI-GPTIM,
Clients and/or service users of Trainee Members of EAPTI-GPTIM, and
Third parties with respect to the work and training provision of EAPTI-GPTIM.
1.1 Complaints shall normally be dealt with through the EAPTI-GPTIM Ethics Committee and addressed to the Chair.
1.2 The Ethics Committee may decide that a matter may be more appropriately dealt with by a senior member of another training organisation. In case of conflict of interest by Chair of the EAPTI-GPTIM Ethics Committee, the complaint shall be referred to the Complaints and Appeals Board.
1.3 All individuals involved in the complaint procedures must act in a manner that does not breach confidentiality. Written material relevant to the complaint should be dated and all verbal communications relevantly recorded and dated. All such documentation shall be securely stored in line with the EAPTI-GPTIM Policy for Recording and Archiving Data, given as Appendix 10 of this Manual.
1.4 The complaint procedure is investigative and with the guiding principle of establishing truth, justice and fairness. Section 3.1 below sets out the informal procedures which may be followed initially to see if there are grounds for resolution. Formal procedures are set out in 3.2 below and may be followed by adjudication and the use of disciplinary procedures.
1.5 A formal complaint must be lodged within six (6) months of the alleged event(s) which form the substance of the complaint. Normally procedures are completed within six (6) months of the receipt of the formal complaint. Time boundaries must be clearly established at the outset and strictly adhered to throughout. Where time boundaries cannot reasonably be maintained then all the parties involved in the complaint shall be informed and provided with a clear written explanation.
2. Initiating a Complaint
2.1 A person wishing to raise a complaint may have initial and confidential discussions on matters of procedure with the Chair of the Ethics Committee. If the complaint concerns a EAPTI-GPTIM lecturer the aggrieved person is recommended to first speak with the relevant Programme Coordinator, where applicable.
2.2 The purpose of the initial discussions is to inform the aggrieved person of the procedures. A copy of the relevant Code of Ethics and Complaint and Appeals Procedure shall be made available to the aggrieved person.
2.3 After the initial meeting, the aggrieved person may wish to pursue the complaint through the informal or formal procedure. In either case the aggrieved person shall make a written statement of their complaint and send it to the Chair of the Ethics Committee. The written statement from the aggrieved person shall be acknowledged in writing by the Chair of the Ethics Committee within ten (10) working days.
2.4 All written communications between the aggrieved person and the Chair of the Ethics Committee shall be photocopied and made available to the person against whom the complaint is expressed. All such documentation shall be securely stored in line with the EAPTI-GPTIM Policy for Recording and Archiving Data.
3. Informal Procedures
3.1 EAPTI-GPTIM is not responsible for travel or any other expenses, incurred either by the aggrieved person or by the person against whom the complaint is expressed, in connection with any stage of the complaint procedure.
3.2 When a complaint is received by the Chair of the Ethics Committee, informal procedures shall be adhered to in the first instance. A complaint may be brought on the following grounds:
3.2.1 Offensive or destructive behaviour;
3.2.2 behaviour which goes against natural justice;
3.2.3 unfairness, and
3.2.4 discrimination.
3.3 Informal procedures are not normally considered appropriate when a complaint alleges:
3.3.1 Professional misconduct;
3.3.2 failure to comply with the Codes of Ethics;
3.3.3 a breach of criminal law, and
3.3.4 behaviour which might bring EAPTI-GPTIM and the profession into disrepute.
3.4 The Chair of the Ethics Committee shall appoint a mediator who shall have no connection with the aggrieved person or with the person against whom the complaint is expressed, and no conflict of interest with the grievance. The mediator shall normally be a senior member of EAPTI-GPTIM. In the interests of natural justice, the person against whom the complaint is expressed shall be informed of the complaint. The mediator may arrange either separate or joint meetings with the aggrieved person and the person against whom the complaint is expressed. The mediator shall report the outcome to the Chair of the Ethics Committee in writing. Having completed their report to the Chair of the Ethics Committee the mediator shall take no further part in any subsequent procedures.
3.5 This informal procedure shall normally take place within twenty-eight (28) working days of the receipt of the written complaint.
4. Formal Procedure
4.1 If an aggrieved person wishes to pursue a formal complaint, he/she must write to the Chair of the Ethics Committee. EAPTI-GPTIM students and staff members are required to fill in the form includes in this Procedure.
4.2 The Chair of the Ethics Committee shall acknowledge receipt of the formal complaint within ten (10) working days and shall invite the aggrieved person to submit any documentary evidence in support of the complaint. If the Chair of the Ethics Committee has a conflict of interest with the grievance, s/he shall refer the case to the Complaints and Appeals Committee of the EAPTI-GPTIM. Members of the Ethics Committee shall declare any interest which may cast doubt on their impartiality in the operation of the formal complaint procedure under review.
4.3 The Ethics Committee shall be provided with the written formal complaint and all documentary evidence supplied by the aggrieved person and any written responses or documentation supplied by the person against whom the complaint is being expressed.
4.4 The Chair of the Ethics Committee shall ensure that the aggrieved person has received a copy of the Complaint and Appeals Procedure.
4.5 The Chair of the Ethics Committee shall ensure that the person against whom the complaint is expressed is notified of the formal complaint and that the complaint procedure has been invoked. At the same time, a copy of the Complaint and Appeals Procedure shall be sent to the person against whom the complaint is expressed.
4.6 The Ethics Committee shall scrutinise all the evidence and shall then arrange to meet the aggrieved person and the person against whom the complaint is expressed. Written notice of the meeting of the Ethics Committee shall be sent to the parties concerned within fourteen (14) days of the decision of the Committee to hear the case.
5. Ethics Committee Procedure
5.1 The Ethics Committee shall examine the complaint(s) in a formal manner to decide on its validity.
5.2 Both the aggrieved person and the person against whom the complaint is expressed may be accompanied by a colleague or friend who may speak on their behalf.
5.3 Conduct of Ethics Committee:
5.3.1 A summary of the complaint is put forward by the aggrieved person or their colleague/friend.
5.3.2 A summary of the case of the person against whom the complaint is expressed is put by themselves or their colleague or friend.
5.3.3 The aggrieved person channels questions through the Chair of the Ethics Committee to the person against whom the complaint is expressed.
5.3.4 The person against whom the complaint is expressed puts questions through the Chair of the Ethics Committee to the aggrieved person.
5.3.5 Ethics Committee members may seek clarification from either or both of the parties.
5.3.6 When the Chair of the Ethics Committee is satisfied that the Panel has gained all the clarification requested, the Chair informs all parties that the decision of the Ethics Committee will be forwarded in writing to both parties within the next ten (10) working days. The Chair of the Ethics Committee then asks all parties to withdraw.
5.4 Adjudication:
When all parties have withdrawn under 5.3.6 above the Ethics Committee shall continue to meet to determine whether a resolution of the complaint is possible and if so, to make recommendations as to how this can be brought about. The Ethics Committee may determine that there is no basis for the complaint.
5.5 Following completion of the discussion the Chair of the Ethics Committee shall write a report, together with any recommendations, which shall be submitted to the Chair of the Board within ten (10) working days of the completion of the Adjudication Procedure. The Board shall then decide what action should be taken and shall inform both parties of the outcome of the adjudication and the action to be taken.
5.6 Should the investigation take longer than originally expected, the Chair of the Ethics Committee shall write to the aggrieved person and to the person against whom the complaint is being expressed explaining the delay and providing a new date by which the report shall be completed.
5.7 Should the aggrieved person fail to attend the adjudication meeting without good reason or due notice, then the complaint shall be dismissed and the Chair of the Ethics Committee shall notify the Chair of the Board in writing.
5.8 If the person against whom the complaint is expressed fails to attend the adjudication meeting without good reason or due notice, the Chair of the Ethics Committee shall inform the Board. A meeting of the Ethics Committee shall be convened as soon as will be possible. The meeting shall then act as a Disciplinary Committee, which shall make a formal recommendation to the EAPTI-GPTIM Board for what action shall be taken advising of the form of recommended appropriate sanctions.
5.9 Sanctions:
If the complaint is upheld by the Ethics Committee then the person against whom the complaint is expressed may be required to:
5.9.1 Provide the Ethics Committee with a written statement of acceptance to the adjudication and a written apology to the aggrieved person;
5.9.2 Provide the above together with a written statement indicating their undertaking of issues arising from the complaint to their own personal therapy and to inform, with full details, their clinical supervisor of the complaint and outcome;
5.9.3 Satisfy both 5.9.1 and 5.9.2 above and cease to practise as psychotherapist or student psychotherapist, as the case may be, for a specified period of time whilst working through the issue/s in therapy;
5.9.4 Have their membership within the Institute suspended with or without requirement to comply with 5.9.1 and 5.9.2 above as may be necessary;
5.9.5 Have their membership within the Institute terminated with or without requirement to comply with 5.9.1 and 5.9.2 above as may be necessary.
5.10 A member of the Ethics Committee shall be nominated to monitor the sanctions, if any, imposed.
5.11 Should the complaint not be upheld by the Ethics Committee then the alleged aggrieved person shall be required to write a formal statement of acceptance to the Ethics Committee and a written apology to the person against whom the complaint would have been raised.
5.12 If the Chair of the Ethics Committee has a conflict of interest in a particular case, all references to this role in this section will be deemed to refer to the most clinically experienced member of the Ethics Committee who does not have a conflict of interest.
6. Appeals
6.1 Either party to the complaint may appeal against the decision of the Ethics Committee by writing to the Chair of the Board within twenty-one (21) days of notification of the decision in the first instance of the Complaints and Appeals Procedure:
6.1.1 on the grounds of possible procedural irregularity;
6.1.2 on the grounds of possible substantial new evidence arising, which should had been present at the stage of the adjudication process would have substantially influenced the decision of the Ethics Committee;
6.1.3 on the grounds that the sanction/decision is considered as unreasonable or unjust by any one of the parties involved.
6.2 In the event of an Appeal the written request shall be sent to the Chair of Appeals and Complaints Board, who will receive all the relevant documentation in connection with the Complaint. The Appeals and Complaints Board* shall then review the case and shall report thereafter to the parties concerned and to the EAPTI-GPTIM Board of the school.
6.3 The Appeals and Complaints Board shall report his/her conclusions, recommendations and decision, if any, to the EAPTI-GPTIM Board.
6.4 The decision of the Appeals and Complaints Board shall be final.
6.5 All evidence, written documents and testimony in the course of the Appeal shall be securely stored in line with the EAPTI-GPTIM Policy for Recording and Archiving Data.
*Note on the Complaints and Appeals Board Selection and Composition
The Complaints and Appeals Board shall be selected by the Board of the Institute, on a case-by-case basis according to the nature of the complaints or appeal that it will need to review, in line with Code of Ethics and Professional Practice and related procedures. It shall be composed of one or more persons that are:
qualified and practicing psychotherapists for at least 10 years, and/or
qualified and experienced in quality assurance issues at higher education level, and
do not lecture within the Institute, and
are otherwise sufficiently independent of the Institute