Augustus infeliciter conubium santet syrtes, ut oratori divinus fermentet ossifragi. Parsimonia oratori miscere Pompeii. Quadrupei celeriter praemuniet ossifragi. Syrtes agnascor ossifragi.
Augustus infeliciter conubium santet syrtes, ut oratori divinus fermentet ossifragi. Parsimonia oratori miscere Pompeii. Quadrupei celeriter praemuniet ossifragi. Syrtes agnascor ossifragi.
Gestalt Psychotherapy
Training Institute Malta

Membership of EAPTI-GPTIM:
Paris – International Federation of Gestalt Training Corporation (FORGE)
Vienna – European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP)
Amsterdam – European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT)
European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapeutic Services for Children and Young People (EIATSCYP)
Bosnia and Herzegovina – EAPTI Psiho-Integrum Sarajevo
Croatia – EAPTI Psihika D.O.O.
Macedonia – EAPTI Gestalt Institute – Skopje
Montenegro – Psihoterapijsko Geštalt Udruženje
Serbia – EAPTI Geštalt Studio Beograd
Psychotherapy Profession Board:
Licensed Institution:

Click on the Round Green Circle ‘Students’;
Check whether your course is Listed in the list of approved courses (See No. 1);
If Listed, (See No. 2) and click on the ‘clicking here’ button;
Click on ‘Student Registration' and insert all details in order to receive by email the link to activate your account;
Click on the link to activate your account and you will receive another email with the Username and Password;
Log into your account with your Username and Password;
Click on ‘Applicable Courses’ to choose the name of your course and click ‘Apply’;
Follow Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 below;
If the course is NOT Listed in the list of approved courses, you need to submit a different application form: Courses to be considered as eligible (See No. 4) and click on ‘application form’.