Augustus infeliciter conubium santet syrtes, ut oratori divinus fermentet ossifragi. Parsimonia oratori miscere Pompeii. Quadrupei celeriter praemuniet ossifragi. Syrtes agnascor ossifragi.
Augustus infeliciter conubium santet syrtes, ut oratori divinus fermentet ossifragi. Parsimonia oratori miscere Pompeii. Quadrupei celeriter praemuniet ossifragi. Syrtes agnascor ossifragi.
Gestalt Psychotherapy
Training Institute Malta

Entry Requirements
The EAPTI-GPTIM is licensed to deliver and award the following post-graduate programmes which lead to a qualification classified at an MQF Level 7 or Level 8. In order to enrol for such programmes, a number of criteria need to be satisfied. Such entry requirements ensure that the learning experience is a next step that builds upon the learning, knowledge and experience that you have already acquired.
In some programmes such criteria are also necessary in order to support the prospective student to be in line with European and Maltese standards, in relation to the education received, the practice of Psychotherapy, and existing regulations and laws, from the very start. For example, the Master in Gestalt Psychotherapy programme entry requirements are important since satisfying such criteria immediately sets the ground to be able to apply for registration/warranting with relevant bodies, such as the EAGT, EAP and the Board for the Psychotherapy Act in Malta, on completing the course, so as to consequently begin practicing psychotherapy under employment or privately.
The entry requirements for each programme may be found below.
Postgraduate Certificate in Gestalt Psychotherapy
Level 7
Target group
This programme is targeted for all persons who would like to gain personal growth and development, and the basic knowledge, skills and competences in Gestalt psychotherapy theory.
Entry requirements
An MQF/EQF1 L6 degree,
A relevant MQF/EQF L5 award of at least 30 ECTS plus a portfolio evidencing at least two years of relevant work experience.
Masters in Gestalt Psychotherapy
Level 7
Target group
This programme is targeted for those persons who would like to become Gestalt psychotherapists and practice Gestalt psychotherapy with clients, patients, families, couples and groups. To successfully complete this programme a participant has to gain the knowledge, skills and competences necessary for psychotherapy practice. He/she has to develop an understanding of clients and be motivated to help them, to treat psychological disorders and to help clients towards growth, development and holistic mental well-being.
Entry requirements
Entry requirements to commence psychotherapy training include:
having obtained a bachelors’ degree, or equivalent or relevant professional training in a human science, or social science (such as psychology, sociology etc.), or professional training related to other disciplines such as, but not exclusively, medicine, pedagogy, philosophy, management, communication studies or theology.
having the appropriate social, educational and literary capacities and the appropriate legal status.
Postgraduate Diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Level 7
Target group
Indicate the sort of learners that you anticipate joining this course.
This programme is targeted for those persons who would like to become experts/specialists in child and adolescent psychotherapy.
The profile of the targeted group is for registered and practicing psychotherapists of any orientation/approach, who engage in Continuous Professional Development (CPD), and are committed towards becoming experts/specialists in child and adolescent psychotherapy. Students who complete this programme can work as Registered Psychotherapy Practitioners specialized in working with Children and Adolescents, with services offered to children and adolescents (e.g. in educational, clinical, mental health, church contexts, etc.) and/or privately.
Entry requirements
Specify what requirements the students should have before joining this course (qualifications/ language and/or digital competences).
Requirement (General education)
a) An MQF/EQF Level 6 degree,
2) Requirement (Psychotherapy education)
a) Psychotherapy license (in any approach in psychotherapy) issued by the relevant national or European body
Postgraduate Certificate in Gestalt Therapy in Organisations
Level 7
Target group
This programme is targeted for persons from diverse fields including psychotherapy, psychology, law, business, economics, public administration etc. who would like to become specialists in Gestalt-therapy-oriented work with organisations. Intending students need to show openness and readiness to understand and grasp the gestalt psychotherapy approach and techniques throughout the programme. Prospective students also need to have completed, at least, an MQF/EQF Level 6 degree, and to have a psychotherapy license (in any approach in psychotherapy) registered with the relevant national body or European body. Work experience in an organisational context (private or public) is recommendable but not a necessary entry condition, since the programme will offer activities in this setting.
Entry requirements
Requirement (General education)
a) An MQF/EQF Level 6 degree,
Requirement (Psychotherapy education)
a) Psychotherapy license (in any approach in psychotherapy) issued by the relevant national or European body.
Doctorate in Gestalt Psychotherapy
Level 8
Target group
This programme is targeted for those persons who would like to become experts/specialists with a research-oriented approach to Gestalt psychotherapy practice.
The profile of the targeted group is for registered, practicing and experienced gestalt psychotherapists, who engage in Continuous Professional Development (CPD), are committed towards becoming experts/specialists with a research-oriented approach to Gestalt psychotherapy practice and are enthusiastic to contribute to the academic and research field of gestalt psychotherapy.
Entry requirements
Applicants are expected to present evidence of the following criteria:
MQF Level 7 qualification of a Master in Gestalt Psychotherapy (128ECTS)
To be registered with the relevant national council/board
To be a full-time active practitioner in Gestalt psychotherapy for a minimum of 1 year since graduating with a Master Degree
To have undergone the Master in Gestalt Programme’s Research Module or the equivalent in RAPL; to have participated in writing research articles; past or ongoing involvement in research in the field of psychotherapy.
To have engaged in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) as required by the regulating national board.